Tuesday 16 July 2013

Tips & Tricks || How to Create a Comment Signature

So after wondering for ages how to make my own linked comment signature (the one where it leaves a direct link to your blog in the comment rather than having to type out your address) I decided to share it with you guys because a few people have asked me how to do them and I had a pretty hard time trying to find a tutorial so I thought I would do one myself!

So this is actually super easy all you need to do is use this HTML code:

Just a quick tip too make sure you leave a space in between the 'a' and 'href' as I have done above otherwise this will not work.

Above is a picture of my comment signature just incase you didn't know what I meant. You could also link to a recent or similar post if applicable to the blog post e.g. if someone posts a review of the Barry M Nail Paints you could link them your review to check out aswell.

This is a great way to promote your blog, in reference to the #bbloggers chat on Sunday! Because it means that if people want to take a look at your blog it is a lot easier than copying and pasting your URL into the search bar. All you need to do is put this code anywhere in the comment box, I usually put mine at the bottom of my comment.

I save my coding into a word document so that I can find it easily.
I would love to see all of your comment signatures so please comment below so that I can discover some new blogs too!

I hope this helps some of you!

Thanks for reading

I am currently holding an advertising space giveaway, check it out here
Have a look at my product directory for a list of all of my reviews with links

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  1. YAY! I always new it would be a sneeky HTML code..
    All these clever people (yourself included)..Haha
    I may have to investigate this later..

    Thank You


    ^being old school^

    1. Heheh I am glad this helps you! haha aw thanks :D Hahah yes very old school :P x

  2. Great post, I googled this the other week and it is so useful! If only you could make them automatic....Beth May Blogs
    My Bloglovin

    1. Thankyou! I agree, and it makes it so much easier to check out the persons blog, haha yes that would be a lot easier :) x

  3. This post is super helpful! Thank you :) xx

    1. You're very welcome! I am glad you have found it useful :D x

  4. Do you have to type this code into a specific place on the HTML? Sorry if I'm being dim!xx

    1. Nope, all you need to do when writing a comment is leave it in the comment box wherever you want it e.g. at the bottom :D no not at all! I'll add this into the post now :) x

  5. Oh thank you I was wondering how to do this as it's a bit of a pain to keep typing it out :)

    Becky @ The Little Blog of Beauty

    1. You're very welcome :D I am glad it has helped you! Haha yes it is :D Aw and I see you're using it now too :D x

  6. Thank you so much for that really helpful tip! I'm so happy I have one now as a starting up blog:) You clever girly! xo

    Be Pulchritudinous. | UK Beauty and Life Blog

    1. You're welcome! Aw I am glad and happy to see it works too! hehe :D aw thanks :) x

  7. Sooooo helpful I wondered how to do this but never got around to it let's see if it works?
    Just a little bit uniqe // Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Aw I'm glad it helped you :D looks like it's working too which is great! :) x

  8. Thank you for the tip I have always wondered how people do this!

    BellasBeautyBlogs|Make-up, Beauty & Fashion blog

  9. Thank you so much for this! It has helped so much! P.s I love your blog! xxx

    Taylor Lou-xo | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  10. Replies
    1. You're very welcome :D glad it's working for you!x

  11. Ah, thanks so much for this lovely! I'm such an HTML dummie! ;) haha

    As the dummie I am, I wanted to know how you make the sign that you have between 'Beaumaquillage and Beauty' ;) ?

    Lets see if it works:
    Mlhauken // Beauty, Lifestyle & a bit Fashion

    1. You're very welcome! hehhe, me too! Although I am so glad I found this :)

      haha it's okay ;) it varies from key board to key board as to where it is positioned but somewhere on your key board one of your keys should have a button that has this | on it, or it may have what looks like 2 vertical lines on top of each other and you press that, or on my keyboard I have to press shift and then that button :D Let me know if you need anymore help and when you find it :)

      Hehe looks like it is working! :) xo

  12. Thanks a lot for this. New to blogging and Im not to good with HTML and stuff. And I'm loving your blog :) x

    Trying it out:
    Joy-Ann || Beauty, Lifestyle & Random Blog


Thankyou for commenting, it makes me smile! I will be sure to reply to all comments within 24 hours. Please feel free to leave your blog link, but not 'Follow for follow' because then I definitely won't follow you! Thanks :) x