So since my last post, I have been nominated again three times! By the lovely Niki , Clare & Ashleigh
I decided to do them all at once.

So here are the rules:
1. Each person must post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you and make 11 new questions for the people you tag.
3. Choose people and link them in this post.
4. Go to their page and notify them.
5. No tag backs.
11 Facts about me:
- I could eat Jaffa Cakes all day!
- I can't watch horror films
- If the internet goes down I panic
- I am an anxious person
- I couldn't live without my phone & Ipod.
- I spend WAY to much!
- I love talking to new people
- I used to hate twitter, but now I can't live without it!
- I am addicted to facebook
- I hate Physics
- I am obsessed with Daniel Craig
Niki's Questions:
1. Favourite make-up brand (expensive)? MAC
2. Favourite make-up brand (budget)? MUA
3. Which country would you most like to visit? USA
4. What made you want to start blogging? I love beauty & I have been reading blogs & watching videos about beauty for ages and decided I would like to write a beauty blog.
5. What one make-up product do you never leave the house without? Concealer
6. Favourite skin care product? Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish
7. Dresses or skirts? Dress
8. Favourite food? Chocolate
9. What's your favourite shopping website? EBay
10. How do you care for your hair? Deep condition it every week :)
11. What's your diet and exercise routine? Don't really have one I am ashamed to say!
Clare's Questions:
- Drugstore or High End Make up? Drugstore, as I don't have much high end makeup so I haven't tried enough to say
- Clothes or Shoes? That's so hard, I love shoes & clothes so much but I think I will have to say clothes
- Where is your favourite place to shop for clothes? H&M!
- What is your favourite band? Train
- What would be your best make up tip? Line your waterline with white eyeliner it makes you look so much more awake!
- Twitter or Facebook? I never thought I would hear the day I said this, because I have been obsessed with Facebook for so long, but now it would have to be twitter! I can talk to all my wonderful followers on there and talk to people with the same interests as me.
- What has been your most expensive purchase? Are you glad you bought it? GHD hair straightners, yes & no, I love them, but I got the wrong ones for my hair type so they don't work as well on me!
- Where would be your ideal holiday destination? The US, because I have travelled all round Asia and would love to try somewhere different.
- Who is your favourite person to watch on Youtube? Melanie Clare you can check her out here
- Do you have any pets? Yes, I have a cat, a horse & chickens
- Do you have any tattoos? If you don't would you like one? No, I really couldn't deal with the pain! But I would love a bird cage with the door open and a dove flying out of it on my ankle.
Ashleigh's Questions:
1. Your holy grail product you can't live without?
Concealer! Especially my Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer2. Favourite makeup brand?
I really can't decide, I have makeup from all brands and I don't think I have a favourite really.3. Do you prefer wearing jeans and a top, skirts and a top or dresses?
Dresses, I really love them!4. Do you prefer wearing heels or flats?
I prefer flats because they are more comfy, but I really like heels and if they didn't hurt my feet then I would wear them all the time!5. Your most expensive piece of makeup?
It was my NARS Portobello Eyeshadow duo, but I have just sold that, so probably my MAC foundation.6. Favourite place to eat?
Cosmos! It is a buffet place that has food from all parts of the world and I love it7. Your most expensive outfit?
I honestly have no idea.8. Do you prefer natural makeup or bold makeup?
Natural makeup.9. Your favourite clothing shop?
H&M I swear I am addicted to that shop, I can't go in without buying about 100 things.10. What do you want to accomplish in 10 years?
Go to UNI, have a good job, be happy and have supportive friends. I would also like to be married.11. Your favourite magazine?
Glamour magazine, they have great freebies when they include them, and I always enjoy reading it.
My Questions:
- What is your best skincare tip?
- What is your best haircare tip?
- Do you like your eye colour?
- Holy grail makeup product?
- NARS or MAC?
- If you had £1000 what would you spend it on?
- Favourite hot drink?
- Bright or dark nail polish?
- Jeans or leggings?
- Fried breakfast or continental breakfast?
- Cardigans or Jackets?
I tag:
Thanks for tagging me! x
ReplyDeleteyou're welcome!xx
DeleteThanks for tagging me! This looks fun haha xx
ReplyDeleteyou're welcome!xx