Wednesday 30 October 2013

Are You The Most Annoying Person on Facebook?

When I was contacted to ask if I wanted to display this post on my blog, I jumped at the chance! This is a really funny post and I really enjoyed reading it, so I hope you will all enjoy it as much as I did.
Onto the post: 

 Do you think we have now started to become annoyed with facebook? It seems that there is always someone clogging up our timelines with irrelevant and uninteresting status updates, which can drive us mad. They are not like that in real life, so what is it about getting people on facebook that makes them adopt the most irritating personalities?

There are definitely specific types of annoying people and this funny infographic shows the results of a study carried out by voucher site, love my vouchers looking into identifying those irritating user types.

The top ten offenders have been ranked in order and include those people who just want to provoke arguments on facebook for no reason; people who request to be friends when you haven't seen them for years and have no interest in their lives any more; plus those who are constantly boasting about where they are travelling to, checking in at airports and beach clubs in an attempt to make their friends jealous.
Check out the annoying facebook users yourself – and ask yourself this... Do you see yourself in any of the top ten?

Thanks for reading!

Do you see yourself in any of these?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The only thing that annoys me about facebook, is someone who updates their status a million times mentioning the whole day. From having to do ironing to their children's bed time. Everything else I can deal with. Being a mother I update regular snaps of my two, not ten times a day or daily but on one day, I may upload a few from day trips etc, mainly due to family living far away. My status updates tend to be about the kids too, so family can see developments or what they've been up too etc etc.

      I haven't been told I annoy anyone. But I guess it's peoples facebook to do has they please. And there's always the unfriend button x

      Kate | A British Sparkle

    2. Yes I am the same, I don't like constant updates, but I don't mind people uploading photos etc. because I think it's really nice to look through them and see what other people are up too :) xx


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