Thursday 5 September 2013

Fave & Fail Makeup Removers | #SBBC Day Five

Today's #SBBC topic is Faves and Fails Makeup Removers, but I decided to make this singular and talk about my favourite and least favourite way of removing makeup.

So my fail are baby wipes! I will only use these to remove makeup if I absolutely have to because they really don't remove your makeup! It is crazy because before getting into makeup remover I used to use baby wipes all the time, and because I could see makeup coming off onto the wipe I assumed it was taking off all my makeup, however, when I bought my Bioderma and saw just how much more was coming off and I have never looked back!

So following on from the fail is my fave! I love my Bioderma, I think this is the best makeup remover I have ever tried because it does a fantastic job at taking off all my makeup. I have not yet tried the L'Oreal alternative so when I finish my second bottle of this stuff I will try that, however although Bioderma is expensive it lasts ages. I bought 2 bottles of this in France and one bottle lasted me just short of a year(maybe about 8/9 months?), and I use this every day, so really it is fantastic value for money and it does the job.

Thanks for reading,

What are your makeup faves and fails?


  1. I completely agree! Face wipes compare miserably to micellaire waters. I can't wait to repurchase a bottle of Bioderma xx

    Angelica [One Little Vice]

    1. Hahah agreed! It is so amazing, I love it! it is hard to believe water can be so amazing?!xx

  2. BPure Miccelar water is amazing,well worth giving it a try! x

    1. Oh wow I will definitely try that! Thanks for the recommendation :D xx


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